Calling an Old Friend

Ferg Devins
3 min readOct 29, 2023

Ah yes, the joy of reconnecting with an old friend. At least, that is what one might hope as a result of calling someone you may or may not have seen for a few decades! This could be a long-lost friend or relative.

Where are they now…

Do you ever wonder where that former middle school or high school friend that you had ended up in life? Or, perhaps that roommate that you were so close to in year one of college or university? Might there be a colleague that you started work with at company “y” back in the day that you haven’t heard from in years? Maybe there is a former teammate while competing with them in those days are some of the most memorable times of your life. How about that neighbour that you had next door when you were growing up as a kid in small-town Canada or your home country? When you bought your first house or rented your first apartment — where did that friendly neighbour you had so many great times with end up in their life’s journey? Or, maybe there is that local grocer or Main Street store owner that you so appreciated for all their kind words and support shopping there as a loyal customer. How about that former neighbour that moved to the other side of town to a new home that you’ve lost touch with? Many times there are great bonds made with acquaintances while travelling, resulting in close contact for months and years following but distance causes the connection to lapse.

The list of lost connections or lapsed friendships could go on and on. Feel free to comment on your own thoughts here…


Then one day, it dawns on you that you might like to just reach out to that lost connection and see how the heck they are.

Often times school or small-town “reunions” bring people back together. Sadly, funerals often serve the same kind of function — bringing family and friends back together to celebrate someone’s life, in your life, who has passed.

Social networks allow us the opportunity to reach out and reconnect in a fairly expedient manner.

The challenge might be whether that person on the other end of that outreach actually wants this engagement to happen…smiles.

Then the “where do I reach out?” question…

Facebook certainly offers a wide-open channel of opportunity, and is associated with Instagram — if they are “active” they will be found.

More professionally speaking, LinkedIn is terrific — particularly for business-related or professional networking.

I still find “X” (formerly Twitter) as an effective communications tool, especially for those who might be involved with media, politics, community philanthropy, sports and not-for-profit initiatives. I have had much success in connecting and engaging through Twitter over the years. Sorry…”X”!

The old “phone book search” can easily be executed on the Yellow Pages app, searching for individuals. I have had success here as well.

Remember — those you are reaching out to may or may wish to reconnect, the foundational rule is to respect their privacy and wishes.


Have I inspired you to rekindle that long-lost friendship or relative you’ve not seen or heard from in decades? I hope so. However, I respect that many see their past as the past and today is the now and the future.

Wishing you the best memories — regardless.

Ferg Devins



Ferg Devins

Communications Strategist — connecting you with your community