Get Involved — Bladder Cancer Canada

Ferg Devins
4 min readMay 24, 2023


Your Journey

Remember those words your first heard, “bladder cancer”. Your world was on hold, your mind was idle, your heart raced, and your focus was gone for moments. Yet, you pulled through that initial diagnosis — determined your course of action, and here you are today reading this blog post along your current journey with bladder cancer. You made it! YOU are now an excellent example of someone who has dealt with bladder cancer and is moving forward with your life. Yes, there have been adaptations and bumps along the way, but you have adapted and you are thriving as a bladder cancer survivor.

Spread the Learning

There is a unique opportunity for you to engage in the bladder cancer community and share your learning. After I had been introduced to Bladder Cancer Canada by a referral from the Inspire Network in the USA to Jack Moon — Co-Founder at Bladder Cancer Canada — I found the beautiful resources at BCC. I endeavoured to do a walk for bladder cancer in my summer community of Kenora, Ontario and went on to raise close to $50,000 dollars for the cause that year. (Thanks to my incredible network of family, friends, former colleagues and acquaintances across Canada and worldwide). I intended to “give back” and do something to support the fine work at Bladder Cancer Canada — and to help others who might be facing this disease, hopefully.

Here’s Hoping that YOU will Get Involved

I chose first to do a walk in Kenora. I always smile when I think of that story. I had called Bladder Cancer Canada, and the Executive Director advised that there was a walk in Winnipeg — close by. I explained that I wouldn’t make the two-hour drive to walk in Winnipeg — I wanted to walk in my community with family and friends. We had a fantastic walk, I connected with family and friends AND with other bladder cancer patients in Kenora! The walk raised awareness and funds for BCC.

So…YOU…might find what you see as an opportunity to help generate awareness or raise funds for this worthy cause. OR…you might decide that you would like to volunteer as a peer-to-peer support person. These patients support patients along their journey. Let’s face it, you leave your doctor’s office with confidence in their medical care — but you have so many other questions and concerns that a patient can support “peer to peer”.

Perhaps you will WALK this year in the Bladder Cancer Canada Awareness Walk when Canada Walks for Bladder Cancer September 23 and 24. Or you may partake in a patient information ZOOM call. Or you could help with one of the local Facebook pages posting content. Or perhaps you can assist with a French translation for the francophone community. Or perhaps you know of potential sponsors for our walk to call upon for support. Or you know of someone leading a foundation that might provide funding for our programs and or research? Or perhaps you will make yourself available to speak with a patient with a similar profile for support along their journey. There are endless opportunities for you to get involved.

Your Participation is Impactful

Just know that how you decide to get involved and whatever action you take will have an IMPACT for Bladder Cancer Canada and on our patient community. Your participation is invaluable. Bladder Cancer Canada is indeed only as strong as it’s volunteers and their support networks. Success is based on the fact that two patients co-founded them, and the focus has been on patient support from day one, along with awareness and funding research. Patients are job one!

If you are interested in participating or connecting, check out and sign up today!

My Experience — So Worthwhile and Rewarding

After my walk efforts in Kenora I was recruited by Co-Founder David Guttman. We would meet for a coffee on Bayview and enjoy a nice cold Molson Export together. So much happens after a refreshing ale! (note…retired after 35 years of Molson Coors employment…smiles) I joined the Board at BCC, then became National Walk Lead for a couple of years and then served as Board Chair for three years.

I am so proud to have been part of this vibrant group of volunteers. It is a great place to help make a difference. I hope more will join the efforts of Bladder Cancer Canada and get involved.




Ferg Devins

Communications Strategist — connecting you with your community